When we start our businesses we’ve got a full head of steam, loads of energy and we’re inspired to create and work our tails off to make our dreams come to life.
We put our nose to grindstone and start making it happen.
Left in the dust are the important things we need to do to create a sustainable business.
Because sustainability has multiple definitions in the context of our career.
Yes, there are business indicators that define success, but the single most important indicator in our business is the health of our body and mind.
These are our greatest assets in our business. And all too often these are the first items to be placed on the back burner as we work to build a business.
Because of this, we need to treat our greatest asset as the priority. Not the afterthought.
How do you do this? It’s easier said than done, but one way to do this is to commit to self-care through a self-care business plan.
This will help you manage the intersection of your business and your self-care. It’ll help you prioritize you, setting a foundation of self-care that grows with your business and and keeps you from reaching that often talked about level of burn out.

I’ve had too many conversations with photographers who work through burn out…then just keep plowing forward. These feelings are far more difficult to solve than they are to prevent.
This is the heart and sole of Reframe: setting photographers up for sustainability.
We’ve developed a self-care business plan that you can download for free.
Click here and start prioritizing your greatest asset in your business.